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Member Testimonies

This is our public board for personal testimonies submitted & each approved by our site members for public display.

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Submitted by Anthony G. - Arizona, USA on 10-10-23

Hi, my name is Anthony G. I am a 65 yr. old American, living in Arizona, and I would like to express how much I agree with what I read just above here, (It really DOES require a 'leap of faith' to know!) and share my story of how - I - finally got to 'truly knowing' that, God the Almighty is real.

 I was raised without hearing a word about religion in general. I knew about Jesus but, I didn't know that "He was the only way to the Father", because I had one parent who was a severe asthmatic, with low blood sugar, who was forced to attend Catholic school until puberty. Which made them completely disagree with forcing beliefs on anyone!  In turn, their children were left to hear something on their own and were expected to come ask one of the parents about what they heard. (In my opinion, NEITHER of these 'extremes' work very well.) 

  I learned about & was saved by the Gospel, all at the same time, BY MYSELF, in a Christian trailer at a state fair when I was 10 years old! (It was vacant when I went in.) I instinctively KNEW beyond ANY doubt, that this story being told in 4 parts, was true, and I was in shock and hurt that no one in my family felt the need to share this amazing story with me before! 

Fast forward 7 years, I had just completed 3 years of being forced to go to church EVERY Sunday, by rotating through a different denomination each Sunday, out of 5 or 6 different ones, and I am VERY confused about how to interpret MOST scriptures, because I kept hearing each church have a different meaning! At which point, I gave up on organized religion, and started a journey on my own to find the truth.  I did so by quitting my job, becoming homeless, and focusing on following the Holy Spirit daily, with no expectations. I just leapt out with both arms open into life with Jesus! The next 3 years of my life were the most amazing! I was prospering in every way, including learning from Jesus, and especially my happiness! This continued until I began to believe that, - I - was doing these things!  I took my focus OFF of Jesus and put it upon myself.

   Within 6 months, I'm jobless, dead broke, no car, left by my first love, and in such a deep depression that I don't get out of bed, not 1, single, solitary time, for 4 consecutive days. (I just kept going back to sleep for another 2 hours. I REALLY did!)

At which point, I find myself having an out of body experience during the day, in my bedroom, going through the floor into total darkness, moving faster & faster toward what felt like monumental suffering! Which, I could not only hear but feel, getting louder & stronger as I moved faster, and closer to it. Somehow, I KNEW, in total darkness that I was nearing a black door, on a black wall, and I had NO CONTROL over stopping to go in it. (I was already used to lucid dreaming, and this was not that!) As I reached the threshold, I screamed out with every cell of my being, "Jesus, NOOOO!"  This was done in total darkness, with my eyes scrunched shut as tight as they could go, and I STILL SAW the face of Christ in my minds' eye, then I opened my eyes and I was back in my bed, looking at His face with the most peaceful look that I have ever seen (before or since), with the overwhelming feeling that there was nothing to be afraid of, and that I was protected, AND provided for by God Almighty, and His only, begotten Son. (That was 40 years ago. Ones that COULD HAVE been spent in Hell.)

   Since then, I have learned that I have the gift of tongues, and how to let the Holy Spirit speak through me (which completely cannot be me because the tongues spoken then, are WAY BEYOND my abilities!) and I am currently being worked with by the Holy Spirit in my dream state, on discerning and expelling evil spirits. (Again, way beyond "ME"!)

 ALL of which, will be needed in the days to come, which now seem closer than ever! 

  Thank you, for your website, and for sharing my story!  TIME IS RUNNING! He, is coming! }:-{~  * Luke 12:40 

Submitted by By Anthony G. of Central Arizona USA
on Nov. 07, 2023

My Personal Testimony of my Baptism of Fire

By Anthony G. of Central Arizona USA

You never know what's going to happen when you start that 'first step', of a leap of faith yet, we somehow seem to know that they are always just the start of an eventful journey as well. This seems small in comparison to the change in travel mode which occurs at the same time! For example, a bird that only knew walking until it took that first leap, to learn how to fly. When "learning to fly" spiritually in my case, I had just taken a leap of faith for God by giving up all my worldly goods, (car, furniture, etc.) and choosing to become homeless and spend my time around a city mission and soup kitchen, or in the park while looking for opportunities to talk about God's Word, or spirituality in general. This lasted an entire Summer. (1997, During which, not once was I forced to sleep outside.) By that Summers' end, I had been asked to help construct, and be the caretaker of a large house up in the mountains for a best friend of one of my brothers. Both that Summer and Fall were great "adventures" for me, which I took 'one day at a time'. (One of my hearts' desires was, "to become as the little child"(Mat 18:3), loving the adventure of life moment by moment'.) By the onset of that Winter, the house was 'weathered-in' and I was invited to go to Brazil with some of my family for 90 days on a tourist visa! (Another of my hearts' desires!) Before doing so, I was also invited to travel with these relatives for 3 weeks around the Southwest United States, all expenses paid. (It felt like a dream, but it felt more like I was flying FOR REAL!) My 'baptism of fire' story happens, while only 2 or 3 days into that trip as I was in Phoenix, sleeping on my sisters' sofa the very 1st time. (I believe that I actually only 'slept'  that night from about 3-7 am, BECAUSE of what happened.)

   By this time in my life, I had believed in God for 10+ years WITHOUT any proof until, my soul had LITERALLY been saved! (my, "4 days in bed without food or water" story, that occurred 4 years prior.) Also, I had been working on speaking in tongues ever since just before I had given away all my possessions, (MORE like, working on getting my ego and my pride OUT OF THE WAY of, my speaking in tongues!) At which time, a fellow Christian of many years had told me that the Holy Spirit expressed to him that, one day the tongues would FLOW OUT of my mouth. I had that entire time of being homeless to ponder what that might be like, WHEN it actually happened to me. Little did I know, (nor imagine even closely) the extent of HOW, how soon, nor HOW MUCH it would be!

    There was a party that night at my sisters' house with the 6 guests from Brazil there for the first time. It had to end early though and everyone had left by about 10:00 pm. I was the only guest at my sisters' and, my sister, my nephews and I were all in bed by 10:30 or so. Unfortunately, I was unable to sleep at all that evening. I tried all of my sleep tricks to help but, all of them failed to get me even close to sleep so, I decided to take advantage of the circumstance and use the time to meditate.

    I remember that as I changed my level of consciousness close to Alpha State, that I began to feel that there was something dark there with bad intent. As I sensed it more to get a feel as to 'where' it was, I suddenly felt it underneath me as I lay flat on my back on my sisters' sofa. I knew then that there was going to be a 'confrontation' between this dark force and I. As I wondered how to react, (while lying as if I was asleep) I felt 2, very large arms come around my back to enclose me in its' grip from underneath the couch. (This was not a dream, nor sleep paralysis because I raised my head to see if I could see any depressions on my chest in my clothing, or on the couch. I saw BOTH!)

   I IMMEDIATELY started saying the Lords' Prayer just loud enough to hear normally, but with every fiber of my being! At the same time, the force of the grip got tighter, and I felt myself sink lower into the couch. So, I turned up the intensity of my prayer both in strength, and in volume, to which the grip got tighter, and I sank again further into this couch. I was squirming and fighting to get out but, I was unable to get free at all.

   So, for a third time, I turned it up to where my next step would have been to scream the words of the prayer out, and I remember thinking that everyone would be coming out to see what was happening! As the grip around me started to tighten in response, I suddenly broke free and rose up like a vampire coming out of its' coffin to be STRAIGHT UP, standing ON TOP of the sofas' arm (on NO POWER of my own!), and I started speaking in tongues with a clarity, and accuracy and SPEED that I STILL find to this day, humanly impossible! I clearly remember seeing the view from atop my sisters' sofa, while hearing my vocal chords run like a raging river, full of sound and fury! I could not believe that - I - was a part of it! This went on for seconds to possibly a minute or two where, I felt like I was part of a LIVING RIVER, flowing through time and space, and I was along for the ride. (I don't know where the dark spirit went, but it had to have gone FAST, and far!)

     Without going into the rest of this story, I have concluded that THIS EVENT in my life was my blessing for all of my faith, long suffering and prayer, and it showed me BEYOND ANY SHADOW of a doubt, that there - IS - a G-d Almighty (remember that "Almighty" here is necessary because, "god" is NOT a name. It is a 'title', until you identify WHICH 'god' you are speaking about!), AND that His Spirit also - exists -, HERE on Earth, within more and more people, all of the time! What happened to, and with me was WAY BEYOND my ability or potential on my own!

It was beyond my imagination! 

   Thank you for allowing me to share my testimony, and the story around it on your website! I hope that it meets with your Terms of Use Conditions. If you need to edit this in any way, please email me the edited version for my approval at your earliest convenience. I appreciate all that you do.

   May the Good Lord bless and protect you.


    Anthony G. - Colorado & Arizona USA

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