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Colorful Lights
  • solunaceu

If they're NOT UAP's nor UFO's, WHAT ARE THESE space craft? War in Space? NASA Images of this year!

If you're not familiar with these images, they come from a NASA satellite that was launched in Oct. 2006 to capture solar activity like CME's, etc., the STEREO Ahead. It started to publish their images on a website in Jan. 2007 where, ON DAY 2 they captured a pair of these..., space craft of some kind. If they're NOT UAP's nor UFO's, WHAT ARE THESE space craft? (Not "airial" nor really 'flying') They've also been increasing in numbers since, and whatever they are, they definitely look artificially made! They sometimes show up in #'s to make you wonder, "Is there a War in Space"? There are 2 groups shown here. (Of 6 & of 9) and I HOPE one group is OURS!

The image that you see shows 2 circles in the center of the screen. The larger, black one is the 'occult disc' mounted on a thin arm to the satellite in order to block the main glare from the Sun. The smaller white one inside the black circle, is to give an approximate size and location of where the Sun is behind the occulting disc. The collection of images shown in this video were all chosen for their ..., 'unusual' displays, whether natural or un-natural. Please enjoy and share.

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